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Shop Your Space - iPad and Tablet Holders for Retail

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iPad and Tablet Stands for Retail Store Owners

Tablets as a point-of-sale device have hailed a true sea-change when it comes to small businesses. Instead of a bulky register that performs one function and one function only, an iPad can integrate every aspect of running your day-to-day with a much smaller investment and startup cost — sometimes zero if you already have one for personal use. With that monumental shift, specialized housings and stands have entered the market to offer convenience and security in using this all-important device. Beyond countertop models that can be used at checkout, floor standing kiosks give the power to customers to help themselves, explore your inventory, view supplemental content, and even place orders without you needing to shepherd the process. Wall mounted fixtures are better for static advertising, but can also act as interactive units if you're short on floor space. However you decide to use your tablet, customers are expecting to see one when they enter your business! So make it a true part of the store with a dedicated stand.

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