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Wall Mount Digital Signage – Digital Marketing Screens w/ Content Management Options

Digital Advertising Monitors for Commercial Displays with Single, Double, or Video Wall Options

Are you looking for a better way to advertise events, entertainment, sales, or improve the experience for guests in your business or organization? Our wall mount digital signage solutions are great tools for any organization that wants to show customized and dynamic videos and pictures. We have different sizes and styles of professional advertising monitors that can be placed on walls. They will help your business succeed by showing messages that attract customers. You can choose from video walls, TV bundles, digital picture frames, menu boards, touch screen interactive kiosks, and other integrated digital solutions. Many of our options come with built-in media players and can connect to Wifi and bluetooth for easy streaming and content playing. This means you can easily show presentations and promotions that can be changed anytime. Our wall mount flat screen tvs for advertising have high-quality pictures in a wide format, making it easy for customers to read your ads and promotional materials. We have both single-screen monitors for interactive advertising boards and larger video walls for more impressive and immersive displays. These tools can be used in restaurants, stores, convention centers, malls, airports, sports venues, and many other businesses.

These digital LED displays are commonly used in restaurants and other retail locations.

What makes our digital wall signage ideal for professional use?

  • Wall mountable advertising monitors are designed for continuous usage in high traffic areas, maintaining a high-resolution image in commercial areas 24/7.
  • Many advertising wall monitors come with a limited manufacturer’s warranty on parts and labor or options for third-party warranty services. This means that when you buy from us you are covered in the case of malfunction, giving you more time to focus on delivering content for your business.
  • Digital bulletin board setup is quick and simple with out-of-the-box functionality. Some models include a built-in multi-media player, giving users the freedom to design their own content and display via USB, HDMI, Wifi & Bluetooth. Others come with SuperSign software, which offers customers pre-designed templates ready to promote their business. For units without media players, we carry streamers and players to upgrade and convert into a powerful digital signage unit.

Displaying your own content on these digital marketing screens is incredibly simple with USB, HDMI, AV & Bluetooth/Wifi compatibility and built-in media players. Upload ads, videos, or static images to support your business’ promotions via thumb drive to the integrated content management system to run custom, self-made or templated marketing material for specific sales or events. Create eye-catching displays in any industry to showcase product catalogs, maps, or live entertainment, and save money by reducing the cost of printed marketing materials. Wall mounted digital signage is perfect for displaying your content at eye level to make sure customers and passersby are engaged to make lasting impression. Video walls help to display more content in one area or to showcase large format advertisements and videos. Streaming on these devices is easy to set up and maintain with the help of content management systems or pre-installed softwares (varies by devices).

Where can we use these wall mounted electronic marketing displays?

  • Indoor digital screens are designed for prolonged use and feature an appealing design for business environments. Mount these displays in restaurants, bars, or convention centers to promote products, stream entertainment, or direct your guests and give customers a focal point to share event news and business information.
  • Outdoor digital marketing monitors are specifically designed to withstand various weather conditions. These ultra-bright flat screens have superior picture quality in direct sunlight, improving viewability in the daytime. Many of these screens are protected by durable safety glass as well, reducing the risk of physical or elemental damage in outdoor environments.
  • Video wall bundles, also known as digital bulletin boards, supported by SuperSign video players and other content management systems, are designed to create dynamic and visually dominant indoor entertainment systems. These options feature 2x2 and 3x3 LED screen bundles affixed to mounting brackets with pop-out capabilities. Incorporate a video wall system into your business to place highly-visible promotional content in front of your customers!

Wall digital signage has applications in nearly every industry. Theses tvs for advertising help businesses to promote a variety of content including videos, images, and custom made promotions. Digital marketing monitors with entertainment and marketing content help promote product lines and inform customers of upcoming sales in retail stores. Restaurants use these flat-screen displays to present menu items and video reels for their patrons. Large-scale organizations such as hotels and convention centers incorporate them into their wayfinding solutions. For additional engaging displays, Displays2go carries interactive display screens to suit the needs of your business. Use digital marketing as a way to interact, engage, share information with your customers and improve guest experience.

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